MOVIE – Watch ‘Marie Heurtin’

Just like the Sisters of Charity, the French Filles de la Sagesse (Daughters of Wisdom) were already active in the field of education for the blind and the deaf in the 19th century. The director Jean-Pierre Améris turned a film about their work in 2014.

Marie Heurtin brings us the true story of Marie Heurtin (1885-1921), who was born blind and deaf. Marie was 14 when she arrived at the Institut Larnay, a school for deaf and blind girls of the Filles de la Sagesse in Poitiers. She is unmanageable and because of her disability she has no contact with the outside world. Sister Marguerite takes care of her and eventually she can get in contact with Marie through tactile sign language.

The beautiful soundtrack is of the American cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton.